Muffle Furnace

Light weight ceramic wool insulation (instead of Bricks insulation).The outer casting is made of double walled thick PCRC sheet ,duly painted with attractive stove enamel.Heating elements are made of kanthal A-1 Wire and backed by high temperature cerwool Insulation,which avoids loss of energy,
The temperature control unit consists of energy regulator fitted in front of the furnace with two pilot lamps. The apparatus is completed with one pyrometer,thermocouple,silver thermal fuse, and main lead with power plug. To work on 220/230 volts AC or 400/400 volts AC.
Maximum Temperature : 1000/1200/1400/1500oc
Working Temperature : 900/1150/1300/1450oc
100mm*100mm*225mm 1.5kw
125mm*125mm*250mm 2.0kw
150mm*150mm*300mm 3.0kw
125mm*175mm*475mm 4.0kw
175mm*175mm*475mm 4.5kw
200mm*200mm*300mm 5.0kw
Note : Larger sizes can be made against order.
Optional Accessories :
a. Blind controller
b. Microprocessor based PID controller
c. Thermal chart recorder.
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