Bacteriological Incubator

Incubators are widely used for day to day bacteriological and culture tests performed in various laboratory applications.
We specialize in both standard and customized models,specially designed to meet the challenging demands of various scientists for individual and specialized research applications.We are supplying our Bacteriological incubators in India catering to variety of customers ranging from Defence installiations,Research Laboratories,Educational Institutes and Various R&D Laboratories of leading national and multinational companies.
Bacteriological Incubators are triple walled convention heated units.Outer body of our incubators are constructed out of thick PCRC sheet duly pre-treated with primers and rust proofing and painted with lasting stove enamel or elegantly power coated.The inner chamber is made of heavy guage stainless steel of ss-304 grade.The gap between the walls is filled high grade mineral glass wool, which ensures maximum thermal efficiency in our bacteriological incubators. The unit is mounted on a study steel frame and provided with castor wheels(larger Sized Models Only)for easy movement inside the labrotary. The unit is provided with one to three stainless steel shelves(as per the inner size).
Indirect heating system is provided in our units,comprising of air heaters made of high grade tublar heater of suitable wattage. The warm air is evenly distributed throughout the chamber through efficient motor fans at the back ensuring a very good temperature sensitivity.
Temperature Range:
Temperature range of our standard bacteriological models are 50c above ambient temperature to 70oc .However we have the capacity to modify the same to suit the individual specialized requirements of our customers.
Temperature Sensitivity:
Temperature inside our bacteriological incubators are controlled with a sensitivity of +-0.5oC or better
Front Panel:
Front Panel of our units comparises of on/off switches Heating and mains indicators lamps,temperature controllers/Thermostat
Temperature control:
The temperature inside our bacteriological incubator is controlled either through hydraulic type German thermostat(Sensitivity-+2oc) through solid or Micro-processor based on temperature controllers cum indicators.
Inner Chamber(W*D*H) Volume Liters
30*30*3*cms |
27 ltrs |
35*35*35 cms |
45ltrs |
45*45*45 cms |
95 ltrs |
45*45*60 cms |
125 ltrs |
60*60*60* cms |
224 ltrs |
60*45*90 cms |
252 ltrs |
60*60*90 cms |
336 ltrs |