Heat Exchanger

Kerone has been leader in the shell and tube Heat exchanger industry. During this time we have Designed and manufactured more then 1000 Heat Exchangers for Various industries like: Nuclear power Corporation, oil and gas plants, Fertilizer, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, cement, ceramic and pulp paper. Our Strength lies in our focus, our experience and our people. Since its inception has focused exclusively on Shell and tube type Heat exchanger. Doing this has produced our company and group of people uniquely qualified in solving Tough problems in this segment.
Our highest priority is always on quality Manufacturing. We believe in giving best quality product to our customers. Kerone can also design and manufacture products based on the requirements of customers, Thanks to the scientific design philosophy, the creative spirit and the meticulous research Department, which enables the company to Deliver more and more new products.Our highest priority is always on quality Manufacturing.
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