Industrial Oven

Kerone's Heating Oven are designed and manufactured with standard and custom thermal processing system with different configuration.We manufacture high quality of Heating Oven which can be upgraded and configured with the latest technology as per the customer's requirement.Heating Oven are used for electric range ovens, electric stoves and microwave ovens, Oven Heating element.
Kerone also manufacture Industrial oven and various heating system for temperature as high as 400 degree Celsius.Our high quality of manufacturing Industrial oven made us the leading manufacturer of Industrial oven in India. The Quality large capacity Ovens boasts generous size of working chamber and the same time offers extremely distribution.
These are quite suitable for industrial use like Paint Baking, Varnish Baking Plastics granules,drying chemical & powder drying , Electrode drying Taflon coating,Annealing,Core hardening ,Aging or Preheating
Construction :
Heavy Angle Frame Structure,covered with M.S. sheet -welded joints.Glass wool insulation to minimum 100 m.m. thick.Double or triple walled construction with mild steel or stainless steel inner chamber.Fill sixe door and runners for trolley at bottom level.Air circulation from side or top motor & blower.
Heating & controls :
Heating is provided by long life S.S. tubler air heaters situated in the side cavities.The heaters are easily replaceable.Working temperature within Oven is controlled by thermostat or Digital controller.Main Switch,Heater Selectors Switch.Amps Meter,Volt meter, Starter for motor, contactor, indicating lamps are provided in control panel
Size & Temperature :
Industrial Oven of 7'*7'*7' and temperature 250Deg.C are available.Bigger size and higher temperature ovens are available on request
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